It can be distressing when you are out of the house and realize you need to have something printed. You want to print your document, but don't know where to go. If this sounds familiar, we’ve got you covered. Because there are a number of places you can print documents when you’re out and about, or if you don't have a printer at home.
You may even be surprised to find that some of them are places you already go to regularly!

Where to print when you don't have a printer
So, where do you go to print documents when you don’t currently have access to a printer? Here are a few places we can suggest:
1. Public Libraries

We know what you’re thinking: “public libraries have printers?” The answer is yes, well- almost always - but still a good place to start.
Although it would be a bit hard to find public libraries that will allow you to print documents without charge, typical printing fees don’t cost that much anyway. You can check out your local library’s website for more information.
University libraries are another option here. If you are currently enrolled, or will be able to visit a university library, they offer printing services, for a fee. Again, you may need to check this out in advance especially if you are not a student.
2. Print and Copy Stores

Print and copy stores are not as common anymore but as the name suggests, their business is to print and copy documents for people on-the-go.
Most print and copy stores today are also locally owned which means you are helping and supporting local businesses. Prices of print and copy services may also vary depending on location, so you may need to check online which establishments are available in your area.
3. Shipping or Courier Centers

Shipping and courier centers like FedEx or UPS often provide printing service, whether you need huge printing jobs like banners and posters, or smaller print outs like research papers. While some branches are specifically designated as business centers, even those that aren’t would be willing to help you out on small printing needs.
Of course there are fees and how much depends on how many pages you need to print. Keep in mind that these are business establishments. Computers and printers are accessed by all the staff so these places are not the best option if you need to print documents with sensitive information.
4. Your Office

If your office has printers and your bosses are not strict about how the machines are used, you can ask if you can use the office printer to print a few personal documents. Worst case scenario, you get a stern “No”. Or you may be surprised with an “Of course, go ahead.” Point is - ask permission before you use company printers to print a personal document.
Also, privacy is a factor to consider here. Unless you have a device assigned to you, there is a good chance that office printers are located in a public area where someone can accidentally read or worse - take your printout. If you do get permission to use your office printer, avoid printing sensitive documents.
5. Office Supply Stores

Office supply stores like Office Depot or like we said earlier - local print shops - usually provide printing services online, and you just pick up your documents at their store. Or you can go in the store with a flash drive or access the document online, and have it printed on the same day.
Office supply stores also can provide other services like binding, stapling, lamination, etc. Some even offer to send your printouts at home, although this is not a very economical option if you only need to print a one to two page document.
We would like to point out that the five suggestions are great for occasional printing needs, or if you frequent one or two of the places above. If you find that you need to print more, and you have a little extra budget and space there is another solution we can suggest:
6. Buy an affordable printer

And by “affordable printer” we mean - refurbished ones. A refurbished printer is a way you can get high quality printers at a fraction of the price of a brand new unit. Refurbished printers are in like-new condition and the ones you can get from inkjets.com for example, even come with genuine OEM ink cartridges.

If you are wondering what is the difference between a refurbished printer and a brand new one, the answer is: a refurbished printer will come out of a plain box and not in the usual retail packaging. You will get a printer that will look and perform like a brand new unit. You can check out this refurbished vs brand new printer comparison video by inkjets.com to see for yourself.
Lastly, refurbished printers are thoroughly inspected and tested by manufacturers before they are sold, and each unit comes with original components and accessories, and even warranties. All in all, great value for your money.
If you like to compound your savings, there are also a number of ways you can save money when printing at home, so you would get the most out of your purchase.
Summing it up
To recap, there are ways you can print a document even if you don’t own a printer:
1. Public Libraries
2. Print and Copy Stores
3. Shipping or Courier Centers
4. Your Workplace
5. Office Supply Stores
These five options are public and business establishments, so make sure you are not printing sensitive information. Or if you suddenly find a frequent need to print documents and have the space and budget for it, buying a refurbished printer is another option.
Tips for Effective Printing
1. Prepare Your Documents in Advance
Make sure your documents are ready to print before you go to the location. This includes ensuring the file format is compatible with the printers and that any necessary edits are completed.
2. Check for Discounts and Coupons
Look for available discounts or coupons at printing centers and office supply stores. Many places offer promotions, especially for bulk printing.
3. Consider Environmental Impact
consider digital alternatives when printing isn't absolutely necessary.
So, what do you think? Did we miss out on any out of home printing options or ideas? Contact us at Inkjets.com for questions or suggestions. If you liked this post, you can share these tips to friends and family by clicking on the social media sharing buttons below!